Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

Gin & Dutonic

This Saturday, 12th June , is an important day – many of you may know that it is the Queen’s official birthday and it’s also World Gin Day.

Are these two occasions just a coincidence?

Maybe, but the Queen is a little partial to a gin in either a Dry Martini or served with Dubonnet.

If you’ve attended one of our events will be very aware that we LOVE a Martini and we must admit that we would have given our eye teeth to have been at a royal family function when Prince Philip was in charge of the stirring of the Gordon’s and Vermouth.

However, on Saturday we have chosen to celebrate both World Gin Day and the Queen's birthday by raising a glass of Gin and Dutonic!

A what? Well, we have created this drink not only as a celebratory libation but because it is truly delicious as a summer version of a G&T but with added Dubonnet.

Here is what you need:

  • 50ml of a your favourite London dry gin

  • 25ml Dubonnet

  • 150ml of a good tonic

  • A slice of orange or lime to garnish

Ensure your glass is chilled and filled with ice. Then add the gin and Dubonnet. Give this a little stir before topping up with tonic water. If you don’t have any Dubonnet, Aperol or Campari work very well as substitutes.

Enjoy this long and refreshing drink which has become a summer favourite of ours.

Here’s to you ma’am!

Share in the comments what your choice of drink is on World Gin Day and if you do make a gin & dutonic please share your creations on instagram tagging us @MadamGenevaAndGent.